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The Difference Between Economic Slowdown and Recession The Difference Between Economic Slowdown and Recession  Economic SlowdownAn economic slowdown refers to a situation where the economy is still growing, but at a slower pace than before. It often follows a period of rapid growth, and can be part of a natural economic cycle. Causes: Rising interest rates, global supply chain disruptions, or inflation can lead to a slowdown. Characteristics: Althou..
What is the FOMC? Understanding its Role in U.S. Interest Rates When you follow U.S. economic news, you’ll often come across terms like "FOMC meeting results" or "FOMC rate hike." These terms are crucial for understanding the stock market, bond market, and even the real estate market because interest rate decisions by the FOMC affect these areas. Let's take a closer look at what the FOMC is and its role in the U.S. economy.    What is the FOMC?The Federal Op..
Producer Price Index (PPI) and Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the U.S. Stock Market In the U.S. stock market, the Producer Price Index (PPI) and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) are critical economic indicators that help gauge inflation and the overall health of the economy. While both indices measure price changes, they focus on different aspects of the economy. In this post, we’ll explore what PPI and CPI are, and how they affect the U.S. stock market.    What is the Producer P..
U.S. Economic Data Releases and Stock Market Volatility In the U.S. stock market, it’s common to see significant price movements following the release of economic data. These indicators reflect the overall health of the economy and can have a substantial impact on stock prices. In this post, we’ll explore how key economic data releases affect the stock market and how investors can respond to these changes.    Key Economic Indicators and Their Signifi..